In present times, online shopping is the most feasible option for shopping. From high-end products to daily needs, e-commerce rules the online shopping space. Your requirements are only a few clicks away. You are offered an array of products and services right at your fingertips.

While convenience and comfort amuse us, caution should not be forgotten. Cyber safety should always be your priority while shopping online.

We list out five ways for you to enjoy a secure experience while shopping online:

1. Select Websites with Data Encryption:

You often receive spam e-mails or phishing e-mails. They lure you with great discounts and offers. Once you click on the link, you are directed to fake insecure websites. It is recommended you type the address directly in the address bar. Websites with data encryption “https”, should be your preference. It means your information is secure from any third-party site. Your credit or debit card details, transmitted through an encrypted website, is protected. Spare some time to check the level of security of a website.

2. Avoid Saving your data online:

To make your shopping experience effortless, you may save your personal and credit card information online. However, this poses a threat to your safety. It is crucial to switch off the auto-fill option while shopping online, especially for credit card details. Every time you carry out a transaction, fill in the details for a secure online experience.

3. Steer Clear of Public Wireless Networks:

If you enjoy shopping online while being on the move, do not use public wireless networks. It is better to use personal mobile data. Always access the web through a safe system. A public wireless network bears the risk of third parties accessing your information. It is an open network with no cyber safety. With numerous devices connected, anyone can misuse your data. Minimal use of such networks will protect you from online frauds.

4. An Up-to-date Antivirus Software:

Are you a frequent online shopper? If yes, ensure your anti-virus software is updated and of the current version. It aids in the identification of bogus websites and phishing e-mails. Always purchase genuine software. There are many free and fake versions out there. Do not fall prey to their offers.

An original anti-virus programme can secure your transactions on any website. It lets you add your credit card data without any fear of theft or fraud.

5. Frequent Password Changes:

For a seamless and secure shopping experience, change your password frequently. Choose an alpha-numeric password every time you intend to change it. In most cases, your credit card details are stored online. With constant password changes, your information is secure. At times, there are multiple layers of security; there can be a password and a one-time password (OTP) generated by your bank. It is, therefore, wise to change your passwords regularly. The practice saves you from any cyber fraud while shopping online.

While shopping online, do follow the fundamental cyber safety guidelines. They ensure you have a risk-free shopping experience. Being over-cautious while browsing through products will hinder your experience. Additionally, have a rational outlook o receiving tempting offers from websites. Always stick to brands and services of repute; this way, you keep online frauds at bay.

Enjoy a secure shopping experience through RBL Bank’s credit card. To know more, click here.