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Jargon Buster

Actively Managed Fund

Actively managed funds undertake continuous market research, and track the companies in order to outperform their peers and the benchmark index. Here, the fund manager and his team take active decisions in asset allocation in different securities and regularly monitor its peformance.

Adjusted NAV Adjusted NAV considers the dividend payout by the companies the fund has invested in and recalculates the NAV. The funds returns look lower, when dividend is not considered, hence adjusted NAV depicts the actual calculated returns in NAV.

Alpha is a measure of risk-adjusted returns which represents the performance of fund above or below of its expected performance. Positive alpha denotes actual returns are more than what was expected, and negative alpha denotes actual returns are lower than what was expected.

Annual Report

A report showing summarised view of company's annual activities and financial performance, their current financial health and their future plans. The aim is to inform shareholders, creditors of the inner happenings of the company and build their confidence.

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